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Time to say bye bye!
I've been thinking for quite some time now that maybe I should stop posting on this blog. There are many reasons behind this decision an...
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Google Flutrends and predictive data mining
Google.org recently announced Flutrends , a web site that provides estimates of flu activity in the US based on search queries. I'm no...
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If the only tool you have...
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will see every problem as a nail." - Abraham Maslow This week, I've been experimen...
Computer Go reference bots
Interested in Computer Go? Then you probably already know about Don Dailey's excellent work on providing a number of Monte Carlo refere...
Pattern matching function declarations in Python part II
Ok, so the pattern matching idea kind of backfired. I was under the impression that a function's default arguments wouldn't be eval...
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Handling defrules in MPS, executing the RHS
I've been rewriting the deftemplate code for MPS more or less from scratch... but I'll have to talk about that some other time. It...
Pattern matching function declarations in Python
All those who have tried to write a rules-based program know that there are, at least, two differences between "regular" programmi...
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