
Another look at Ruleby and Ms Manners

I ran Miss Manners with 4, 8, 16 and 32 guests through ruby-prof earlier today. I also merged the output line-wise for each of the runs and added two metrics I thought might help track down the weird behaviour of Miss Manners.

Ruby-prof tracks the number of calls (as calls) and I added the number of calls / the number of calls in the "previous" (rel/prv) run and in the "first" (rel/frst) run. Where the "previous" means 16 for 32, 8 for 16 and 4 for 8 guests. 4 is also the "first", it's factor is always 1.

Here's a selection of the output[1], woolfel style:

|Guests  time (sec)
| 4: 0.942000150680542
| 8: 5.41799998283386
| 16: 102.727999925613
| 32: 3797.01999998093
|Guests rel/prv rel/frst calls name
| 4: 01.00 00001.00 2880 Ruleby::Core::Node#resolve
| 8: 15.85 00015.85 45650 Ruleby::Core::Node#resolve
| 16: 35.76 00566.79 1632363 Ruleby::Core::Node#resolve
| 32: 42.99 24365.68 70173154 Ruleby::Core::Node#resolve
| 4: 01.00 00001.00 16371 Ruleby::Core::MatchResult#==
| 8: 17.15 00017.15 280747 Ruleby::Core::MatchResult#==
| 16: 29.28 00502.21 8221607 Ruleby::Core::MatchResult#==
| 32: 46.92 23563.22 385753525 Ruleby::Core::MatchResult#==
| 4: 01.00 00001.00 324 Ruleby::Core::Activation#==
| 8: 23.05 00023.05 7468 Ruleby::Core::Activation#==
| 16: 43.85 01010.79 327496 Ruleby::Core::Activation#==
| 32: 35.75 36139.05 11709052 Ruleby::Core::Activation#==
| 4: 01.00 00001.00 44 Ruleby::Core::Activation#<=>
| 8: 11.86 00011.86 522 Ruleby::Core::Activation#<=>
| 16: 17.04 00202.18 8896 Ruleby::Core::Activation#<=>
| 32: 12.36 02499.43 109975 Ruleby::Core::Activation#<=>
| 4: 01.00 00001.00 162 Ruleby::Core::Action#==
| 8: 23.05 00023.05 3734 Ruleby::Core::Action#==
| 16: 43.85 01010.79 163748 Ruleby::Core::Action#==
| 32: 35.75 36139.05 5854526 Ruleby::Core::Action#==
There are a few other places worth mentioning as well but they're all effects rather than causes (Hash#==, Array#empty? etc).

I haven't studied these "spots" of the source code in detail yet. I still think that fixing the engine.match method is the way to go, it seems to be doing a lot of extra work. Peter left a comment saying it might be because of how matching is performed in the Rete network. I agree with him that it looks suspicious but I really can't tell. At least not yet, I'll look at it during the weekend though.

[1] I wrote a python script to calculate the extra metrics and to merge the four output files. If you want it, send me an e-mail.

[2007-05-13] Update: I'm starting to believe that Peter's right about the matching. From what I've seen and read in the comments I'd say that Ruleby is performing a lot more work during matching than they need to. I get the feeling that they're not storing as many partial matches as they can and therefore they need to recalculate a lot of things (compare_to_wm and check_references) when a fact filters through the network.

2 kommentarer:

woolfel sa...

Call it a lucky guess, but from the performance numbers, the scalability suggests it is the pattern matching that is causing the problem and not necessarily the agenda. It could potentially be both pattern matching and the agenda.

Johan Lindberg sa...

Well, I actually reacted because of the copying and comparing of Activations between the Conflict Set and the Agenda but they have to do that somewhere anyway so I don't think my initial comment was very helpful...

I mean, pointing at the run method and saying: "This is were most of your execution time is spent, there *must* be something wrong with it" is not very clever. I blame the Eurovision Song Contest for my slow thinking last week.